About Us
Dennis Alifantis is a native of Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from the Wellness and Massage Training Institute of Woodridge, Illinois.
Immediately after graduating, he began practicing therapeutic massage for four different Doctors of Chiropractic, while simultaneously building his own private practice, New Life Massage Therapy in Woodridge. He now continues to help his clients with therapeutic massage strictly at his present location.
In addition to his own private practice, Dennis practices massage therapy for Dr. Zabrosky's patients at the same location as his office.
Practicing a number of different massage techniques, Swedish Massage, Trigger Point, Ortho-Bionomy, Seated Massage for the Workplace, Hawai'ian Lomi Lomi and the famous Belavi' Facial Massage System, Dennis also specializes in Myofascial Release Massage, and his own "Pain in the Neck" Release Method. Dennis developed this method over years in practice by helping many Chiropractic patients as well as his own clients with numerous neck problems.
Dennis is an Illinois licensed Massage Therapist, Board Certified, and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association. He also devotes time to continuing his education of massage. In addition to the many techniques of therapeutic massage used, observing the clients posture, gait and major pain issues are extremely important to him. However, it is Dennis' deepest concern to help his clients by providing the proper massage technique that his client's needs call for.
Dennis feels strongly in educating you about your massage because you are then able to clearly understand the how & why of the many benefits of therapeutic massage. You then will also simultaneously experience a change for the better that greatly contributes to an improved quality of your health.
Appointments can be scheduled by phoning Dennis at (630) 201-5252.
Office Hours Are:
Weekdays: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM 
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM 
If you have any questions or would like more information on massage therapy,
please do not hesitate to phone Dennis at (630) 201-5252 or send an E-mail to DennisAlifantis@massage4newlife.com
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