Lomi Lomi MassageHawai'ian Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi, or Lomilomi is the Hawai'ian word for "massage", and it is part of a larger native Hawai'ian tradition of healing and natural body care. Lomilomi massage is not just about the relief of physical pain. In the application of lomilomi massage, the practioner also seeks to bring calm into their client's mind.

At one time, one had to be 100% Hawai'ian to learn this technique with the Hawai'ian Masters and had to be asked or invited to study with them. It is believed, due to an increase in intermarriage's, fewer Hawai'ians were 100% Hawai'ian. Because of this, consequently, Lomilomi was becoming a dying art. One woman who lived on the Big-Island of Hawai'i, referred to as "Aunty Margaret" decided to break tradition and teach anyone who wanted to learn. Thanks to Aunty Margaret, Lomilomi has had a resurgency in massage. Mahalo nui loa (Thank You Very Much) to Auntie Margaret! Aloha!


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