Seated Massage And Seated Massage ChairSeated Massage For Your Workplace

Seated Massage, or 'Chair Massage,' is a brief stress reducing massage performed on an employee seated in a comfortable, supportive portable chair. The seated massage session can last 15 to 30 minutes and addresses the back, neck, arms, hands and shoulders.

According to Fortune Magazine, The American Institute of Stress, a research group, estimates that stress and its consequences such as absenteeism, burnout, and mental health conditions cost American businesses more than $300 billion each year. In studies at both the University of Miami Medical School's Touch Research Institute and the 3M Corporation, chair massage recipients reported reduced stress effects, both in measurable indicators and self-reports.

Many of my corporate clients enjoy Seated Massage at their workplace for a number of reasons. Here are just a few of them..

Because it leaves the employee refreshed and ready to return to work more alert.

It has been shown to reduce stress and tension, creating a more conducive atmosphere.

It can lower your health care cost by addressing the cause of tension before is leads to more severe problems.

And...because it is very, very affordable!

Seated Massage Testimonials

To find out how you can have Seated Massage brought to your
workplace, phone Dennis at (630) 201-5252. Do it today!


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